Article I. Name and Authority
Section 1.01
The name of this organization shall be the ILL RYDERZ Motorcycle Club and hereafter referred to as I.R. They shall have the authority to operate with the consent of the active members. Operation depends on compliance with the requirements and conditions of this charter.
Section 1.02
The original ILL RYDERZ MC Chapter DEATH B4 DISHONOR is the controlling entity of ILL RYDERZ Motorcycle Club.
Section 1.03
ILL RYDERZ MC Chapters will neither write their own, edit nor add to these by laws without written consent to the National President and the BOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Original ILL RYDERZ MC DEATH B4 DISHONOR Chapter.
Section 1.04
These Bylaws are in compliance for all Chapters.
Article II. Purpose, Goals, and Objectives
Section 2.01
Our Purpose is to establish and maintain a spirit of camaraderie that will enhance the prestige as well as build a bond within our membership, encourage on-going rider education and skills development, increase public awareness. To operate and conduct itself in a manner that provides equal opportunity and treatment for all members. We Don't Discriminate
Section 2.02 Goals:
(a) The Club will seek to improve morale and skill and foster brotherhood or sisterhood as well as family concept to build character unmatched in the biker community.
(b) The Club will seek to enhance the local community relationship with riders through involvement in community-sponsored efforts and events as well as educational awareness for non-riders.
(c) Each member is expected to actively participate, to support adhere to the objectives of the Club, and to promote the MC in order to support the growth of the club and educate all members of the biker lifestyle.
Section 2.03 Objectives:
(a) Improve each individual’s motorcycle riding experience through the collective knowledge, experience and influence of the Club membership.
(b) Open effective communication with all members to exchange ideas and keep attuned to changes in attitudes and behaviors of club members.
(c) Promote social gatherings, area rides and shared motorcycle ownership knowledge with Club members, non-Club members from the local community, and other motorcycle groups & Clubs.
(d) Provide a recognized forum wherein any policy, program, or problem of interest to the members in general, may be discussed freely, without bias.
Article III. Qualification of Members, Good Standing Status, Dues and Club Emblems
Section 3.01
Membership in the Club shall be strictly voluntary. All members must be aware that they are jointly and severely liable for the obligations of the Club. Membership shall consist of the categories defined below.
(a) Active Member: Any individual who has fulfilled the criteria above and has been voted in by a Majority vote of the Club membership. An active member in Good Standing is authorized to vote upon and discuss all matters in which the member has interests.
(b) Prospective Member: Any person meeting all requirements who is applying for Active Membership.
(i) Prospective members must be sponsored by an Active Member in Good Standing.
(ii) Ill Ryderz MC Active Members in good standing will vote Yes or No to move Prospective members into active membership in three to six months after initial entry into prospect status.
(iii) In addition to the above mention prospect period, prospective members must meet the following criteria before a vote can be called.
1) Prospective members must have attended at least 3 official Club events and two Club-recognized ride
2) At least 3000 meters riding
3) 10 hrs community service,
(iv) The sponsor is responsible for ensuring the prospective member understands all Club rules and rides.
(v) Prospect mentors can be held responsible when prospect is not in accordance. The type of fine will be judged by the sgt at arms and his committee and will be based on the following
1. How often you communicated with your prospect
2.The prospects knowledge on club by laws
3.Prospects understanding of prospect protocols
(c) Honorary Member: May be extended to any person with a simple majority vote of the active members present at any membership meeting, except as mentioned below. Such membership/recognition shall be restricted to individuals who have taken positive actions that support the Club’s principles, purposes, and objectives as explained by the Active Member nominating the individual. Said members are not authorized to vote.
(d) Inactive Member: Any individual mentioned above who leaves the Club or fails to maintain Good Standing status. An inactive member is not authorized to vote nor make any motions.(e) Death of a Member: The Club will ensure that any members in good standing whodie will have Club representation at memorial services if requested by the family and/or may be honored on a separate Club ride.
Section 3.02 Good Standing
(A) All references to “Active Members” shall be understood to refer to those in Good Standing unless otherwise declared. Good Standing shall include the following:
(i) Payment of any dues/fees is current as of ending of the 1st quarter of each month
(ii) 8000 meters ridden on motorcycle(s) as of ending of the 1st quarter of each month and recorded by secretary (optional)
(iii) 10 Hours of Community Service logged by secretary as of the 1st Quarter of each month
(iv) Attended no less than 4 Congregation Meetings as of ending of the 1st quarter of each month
(v) Members failing to meet all quartly requirements will be in violation of agreed terms and considered “Not In Good Standing” pending a review by the said chapters executive committee.
(C) A member may be declared “Not in Good Standing” for violations by order of the Club’s Council or by majority vote of the general membership. Any member so declared may not:
(i) Be elected to any club office
(ii) Vote on club issues
(iii) Sponsor any prospective member
(iv) Any officer declared “Not In Good Standing” will be removed from office and temporarily replaced until their “Good Standing” status is returned.
Section 3.03 Dues:
(A) Dues will be kept minimal, re-voted on annually and are as follows:
(i) It is the responsibility of each member to be diligent in paying of his dues.
(ii) Active Members pay 400L a month
(iii) Honorary Member: dues required
(iv) Prospective members are required to pay for their own vest the links are provided here for men and women
1.Mens: (Here)
2.Female: (Here)
(v) In the event that an active member becomes one month behind in their dues, without reason. Said member will be put on probationary status and will lose voting rights
(vi) In the event that an active member becomes two to three months behind in their dues, said member will not be allowed to vote on issues or represent the Ill Ryderz Motorcycle Club in public by the wearing of colors,insignia's striped of officer title and ejected out of active group temporary based on the payment for delinquencies in dues. In affect the said member will be considered inactive. If said member reduces his delinquencies to the 1 month mark, all privileges but the right to vote will be back into effect
(vii) In the event that an active member becomes one to six months behind in his dues, he will not be allowed to vote on issues or represent the Ill Ryderz Motorcycle Club in public by the wearing of colors and or insignia's. In affect he will be considered inactive and subject to removal from the club. Said member will be given the opportunity to appear before all active members in good standing and petition to remain a member of the club. Consideration will be given for life changing events such as deaths, births, etc. A majority vote will decide the individual’s fate. If it is decided that the individual shall remain a member, he shall be put on probation and a strict plan of repayment shall be administered and adhered to without exception or excuse. Colors will not be restored until a second vote is administered. However if it is decided that the individual shall not remain in the club, that person will be asked to surrender all club insignia's, patches and representations at once. At this point he/she is no longer a member of the Ill Ryderz Motorcycle Club. He will be given the opportunity to petition for membership after 2 months as a prospect phase.
Section 3.04 Club Emblems/Patches
(a) Each member will be issued one emblem, to be attached to the back of a vest at their own expense.
(b) Each member may acquire additional emblems/patches at their own expense.
(c) All patches, business cards, identification cards, emblems, pins, articles of clothing or any other object containing the Club name or any abbreviation thereof, or any reproduction, copy or recognizable part of the official Club emblem design shall remain the property of the Club at all times
(d) Prospective Members will purchase a vest with the name “ill ryderz” on the back in and the word “Prospect” on the bottom rocker as well title.
(e) Ill Ryderz MC will issue and or present Emblems/Patches to club members. The only exception the IR MC will consider is when the design might be incorporated into a Club-approved honorarium or fund-raising event.
Article IV. Chapters
Section 4.01
A Chapter is allowed to come into existence by a majority voting of the Mother's Chapter Board Members
Section 4.02
A Chapter Franchise fee of 5000L will be assessed to potential Chapter upon completion of acceptance by the council in return they will receive custom club items for their chapter
Section 4.03
New or Potential Chapters are under strict guidelines to adhere to Ill Ryderz MC Copyright or Logo application standards (No alteration or addition of our basic logo design will be permitted or authorized)....all Ill Ryderz MC logo designs will be in accordance with its Mother Chapter (excluding the bottom rocker and title name on said 4 piece patch design)
Section 4.04
A 90-120 day "Soft Color" provision will be in effect for any potential Chapter (Soft Colors consist of T-Shirts/Sweaters or the likes that Ole Head or the Ill Ryderz MC does not include the Logo design). Some provisions will be made or voted upon by the Council in the event of A Patch Over of an terminated club or in the event that there is a start up of a new club in a new sim and that start up is operated by a Ill Ryderz death b4 dishonor Chapter Member.
Section 4.05 A Chapter that has been voted in by the Council will be placed on an "In House" Probationary period of 6 that time a review of its standards, conduct and expectations will be reviewed by the Council and if it’s found to be in satisfactory/acceptable conditions, it will be instated as a full Member/Chapter/Club under the name Ill RYderz MC
Section 4.06 A Chapter President that has signed the oath, is bond to its ruling and must follow it. If presidential laws and oath is disrupted than presidents will vote on what is the next course of action.
Article V. Officers, Duties and Elections
Section 5.01
Elected Officers. The following Club officers will be elected in accordance with the charter, to serve permanently. Each officer must be an active rider and a member in Good Standing. The Club officers’ election, removal, powers, and responsibilities shall be governed according to the rules contained in this Charter and these By-Laws.
(a) President
(b) Vice President
(c) Secretary
(d) Treasurer
(e) Sergeant-At-Arms
(f) Road Captain
(g) Staff Sgt at Arms
(h) Road Lt.
(i) Public relations
(i) All elected officers named above constitute the Executive Committee. In addition to the specific duties described the Executive Committee may:
(j) Authorize disbursement of funds to pay for expenses as approved by Club procedures.(k) Appoint committee members and any temporary officers as required.
(l) Take disciplinary action against any Member found to be in violation of the Club rules.
(m) Act as a Budget Committee, unless a specific Budget Committee is formed.
(n) Any actions of the Executive Committee must be reported at the subsequently held meeting and are subject to approval of the general membership.
Section 5.02 Duties of Officers
(A) President duties are as follow:
(i) Manage the Club according to its Charter and By-laws.
(ii) Preside at all meetings or appoint an active member to represent him.
(iii) Set dates for membership, special, and executive committee meetings.
(iv) Appoint committee members on a voluntary basis
(v) Appoint members to fill elected officer positions.
(vi) Act as Club spokesperson.
(vii) Chair Executive Committee.
(viii) Authorize expenditures as agreed to by the Club between scheduled meetings of the membership, with concurrence of the Executive Committee
(B) Vice President
(i) Assume the duties and responsibilities of the president in his absence.
(C) Chief Admin
(i) Record the minutes of membership meetings and take attendance.
(ii) Distribute of minutes within 3 calendar days (via e-mail if capability exists)
(iii) Receive approval of previous month minutes at next regularly scheduled meeting
(iv) Maintain a completed file of Club correspondence.
(v) Provide other administrative support required by the Club.
(vi) Assist the treasurer with Private Organization duties.
(vii) Take attendance at each meeting, and ensure organizational records are compiled, maintained, and transferred to his successor.
(e) Treasurer
(i) Collect and record receipt of membership dues.
(ii) Issue and accept membership applications/resignations.
(iii) Maintain Club membership roster and make available to the Club (via e-mail if capability exists).
(iv) Maintain records on status of various Club accounts to render reports at meetings.
(v) Handle Private Org setup / Coordination and inspections.
(vi) Accomplish a financial statement each month. A consolidated financial statement prepared for the entire calendar year and submitted with the constitution and bylaws for review.
(f) Sergeant at Arms
(i) Ensure that the By-Laws and Standing Rules of the Club are not violated.
(ii) Ensure Executive Committee orders are carried out in an expeditious manner.
(iii)Maintain order at all Club events, except as noted under Duties of the President.
(iv) Ensure proper decorum and courtesy are observed during all Club meetings.
(v) Act as custodian of temporary and Club-owned property.
(iv) Making Sure Club Members are in proper dress code
(g) Road Captains
(i) Research, plan and organize all Club rides. Notify the Club of impending rides in a timely manner.
(ii) Lead the Club in formation riding or parades. The Road Captains will give riding instructions to all riders prior to the start of a ride.
(iii) All Officers, primarily Road Captains, shall have the unchallenged right to terminate a member’s participation in a given ride or event for the Club safety or image.
1) Upon request of a Road Captain, the Director may suspend the member pending the lodging of an official complaint.
2) All members have the right to appeal before the members and will abide by the decision of the members--majority rules.
(iv) One Road Captain will always ride point and set the pace. Another Road Major will always ride drag to assure the safety of the Club from behind and assist members with mechanical problems.
(h) Public Relations
(i) Provide liaison between the Club and the local community with overall goal of increasing public’s awareness of the Club and the Club’s objectives.
(ii) Lead the Club to create plans for informing local community of upcoming Club event.
(iii)Coordinate with local media (newspaper, radio, television, etc.) to provide information about the club
(i) Business Manager
(a) Assists in managing and controlling and is responsible for coordinating accounting, budgeting, auditing and other financial or related functions to ensure financial integrity of a unit.
(b) Incumbents also direct or coordinate personnel and operational matters, but this aspect does not account for a substantial portion of the job responsibilities.
(c) Financial management has the greatest emphasis and is the overriding, major function
(d) Performs duties related to purchasing, personnel records, personnel actions, payroll & affirmative action;
(e) Develops channels for routing paperwork;
(f) Establishes and revises work methods & procedures;
(g) Develops reports relating to fiscal affairs; develops & changes business forms;
Section 5.03 Dual Offices
(a) Dual offices are not authorized in any chapter
(b) It is not considered a “dual office” when a member in Good Standing holds a chapter position and a National Position.
Section 5.04 Elections
(a) Nominations for Club officers will be proposed in advance of elections and listed in the Club minutes and/or news.
(b) Declination by nominees will be so indicated or announced prior to voting. Only by members in Good Standing may make nominations.
(c) Officers shall hold offices permanently or until their successors are elected and qualified.
(d) All officers will be elected by a majority vote.
(e) It is not required that a candidate for office be able to serve for a complete year.
(f) Should a candidate be elected that can only serve part of the term, an Interim Officer will be elected to serve out the remainder of the term.
(g) Special elections for any unpredicted Officer vacancies shall be held at the subsequent following the vacancy meeting.
Section 5.05 Voting
(a) Voting for the election of officers will be by secret ballot. Voting on all other Club business will be by a show of hands with the majority ruling, or as stated below.
(b) Members with outstanding dues may obtain a ballot prior to the election by paying outstanding dues.
(c) For those active members unable to attend the meeting, absentee ballots may be obtained from the Club Secretary.
(d) The candidate for each position with the most votes wins.
Section 5.06 Officer Removal
(a) Club officers may be removed for cause with due process, by request of at least threeActive Members in the form of a signed or e-mailed petition, including a list of the charges against the officer.
(b) All active members of the Club must then be informed of the impending vote, which requires approval of at least two thirds (2/3) of the Active Membership returning ballots. Prior to the vote the officer charged will have the opportunity to prepare astatement concerning the charges against him/her.
Article VI. Meetings
Section 6.01
Regular Membership Meetings shall be held ,bi weekly for the purpose of conducting Club business, listening to guest speakers, etc. Motions/resolutions and revisions/amendments will carry by a simple majority of positive votes except when the issue involves a request for complete written financial reports. In this exceptional case, a two-thirds (2/3) majority of positive votes is required.
Section 6.02
Special Meetings may be called by any Council member. Special Meetings may be limited to certain/specific members depending on the topic. All those required to attend must be notified of a special meeting at least three days in advance.
Article VII. Revisions, Adoptions, Amendments, and ReviewSection
7.01 Revisions/Adoptions
(a) The adoption and or revision of this charter and associated by-laws require theapproval of a majority of positive votes of the active members present at any meeting, provided a two-week oral or written notice is given the Club.
(b) This charter and associated by-laws will not take effect until reviewed by the firstacting and or subsequent elected positions of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and or Treasurer.
Section 7.02 Amendments
(a) The organization will ensure the bylaws are reviewed annually. This charter andassociated by-laws may be amended or abolished in whole or in part by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of positive votes of the active members present at any meeting, provided a two-week oral or written notice is given to the Club.
(b) All amendments will not take effect until reviewed by the first acting and/or subsequent elected positions of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer
(c) The proposed changes and revisions must be forwarded to the secretary for approval and are subject for final review by the officers.
Section 7.03 An appointed Committee shall review this charter and the associated by-laws annually to ensure completeness, applicability, and compliance with current club directives and policies.
Article VIII Dissolution:
The Club may be dissolved by request of two-thirds (2/3) or more of the active membership in the form of a signed petition. Upon dissolution, all Club funds and properties, in excess of liabilities and expenses of dissolution, shall be divided equally as decided on by a simple majority of positive votes of the active members present RYDERZ Motorcycle Club and hereafter referred to as I.R. They shall have the authority to operate with the consent of the active members. Operation depends on compliance with the requirements and conditions of this charter.